Ben Affleck never really got his dues as Batman, perhaps because he appeared in two disappointing movies (Batman vs Superman and Justice League). Well, the makers of the upcoming The Flash movie want to right that wrong, because Batfleck returns in 2022.
Yes, director Any Muschietti is further developing his DC multiverse idea by drawing Affleck back into the fold. The movie will also be showcasing Michael Keaton's Batman from the Tim Burton movies, although we don't yet know if the two Caped Crusaders will share screen time.
Muschietti told Vanity Fair: "This movie is a bit of a hinge in the sense that it presents a story that implies a unified universe where all the cinematic iterations that we've seen before are valid. It's inclusive in the sense that it is saying all that you've seen exists, and everything that you will see exists, in the same unified multiverse."
Keaton and Affleck will be joining Ezra Miller as Barry Allen, aka the titular Flash. It's the character's solo movie debut, having already made a controversially jokey appearance in Justice League.
Muschietti explained Affleck's casting to Vanity Fair: “He’s a very substantial part of the emotional impact of the movie. The interaction and relationship between Barry and Affleck’s Wayne will bring an emotional level that we haven’t seen before. It’s Barry’s movie, it’s Barry’s story, but their characters are more related than we think. They both lost their mothers to murder, and that’s one of the emotional vessels of the movie. That’s where the Affleck Batman kicks in.”
While we get two Batmans for the price of one in The Flash, Robert Pattinson is gearing up to make his comic book debut in The Batman. The film, due out in October 2021. is directed by Matt Reeves and will premiere some exciting goodies at the 2020 DC FanDome.
Too much Batman news for one day? In the words of Michael Keaton's Alfred from Batman Begins: "Never!" Tweet us @Cineworld with your thoughts on Affleck's return to the role.